Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Green is good

I'm currently learning a lot about building green. It is fascinating to me that we could be living in houses that essentially pay for themselves, so called "Net-Zero Energy" buildings...but we don't. Could it be the vast right-wing conspiracy to keep us all dependent on oil as long as humanly possible? Even to the detriment of the planet we live on?

Check this tidbit, from the NAHB:

When 800 registered voters were asked how important
certain items would be in their decision to either purchase a new green
home or remodel their current home to be more green, nearly two-thirds
(64 percent) of consumers polled said that “reduced energy costs” would
be the most important. The second-highest scoring reason, at 55
percent, was “because it would be healthier.” And 49 percent of those
surveyed say it’s “the right thing to do for the environment.”
And yet, from the BBJ, this:
According to a Calvert report released Tuesday, the nation's leading
home builders have been slow to embrace green building techniques such
as energy efficiency.
What is wrong with us?!


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